Wednesday, December 26, 2012


I've been asked before, "Is there anything that God can't do?" The quick answer to that question is usually, "Of course not! God can do anything!" But, my friends, there are, in fact, things that God CANNOT do. You might be sitting there now asking yourself, "That is sacrilegious! You can't say that! God is all knowing and all powerful! There is nothing He can't do!" Well, I've got news for ya! There are a few things He can't do. You wanna know what one of those things is? Of course you do... Ready for it?

God Can't Lie. Not ever...

Everything that has been decreed in the Bible and that has been created is based on the fact that God is infallible. He doesn't make mistakes, He doesn't make junk, and He never says something that He can't follow through with.

A few years ago, a humorous religious satire movie came out called Dogma. You may have seen it. It's about  these two angels that are kicked out of heaven because they disobeyed God. God decrees that neither of them shall ever be allowed back into heaven for all of eternity and they are forced to live in Wisconsin instead. Long story short, they figure out how to get back into heaven on some dogmatic loophole they find and attempt to exploit it to get back into heaven. When the powers that be, both good and evil, discover their plan, heaven and hell move to try to stop them from going through this process to enter back into heaven.

Now, what's that got to do with anything? Well, here it is... the reason both sides wanted to prevent these two angels from getting back into heaven is because it would have proven God wrong. It would have shown that God is, in fact, not perfection... that He can be WRONG. Which means that all of His great creation, which is this universe, would have become nothingness in an instant. Everything that He has ever done or said would have been undone in a single moment! Remember what I said about all of His creation is based on the fact that He is infallible? Everything is held together by that single fact. He is never wrong. He will never lie. He can never say something that He can't or won't do.

So, what does that mean for us? It means that God has given us, through His Word, many different promises that we can take advantage of. He left them there for us so that we can live a life of abundance, and not of lack. A life of exceptional difference and not mediocrity. John 10:10b says "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." See? There ya go! He wants us to live life to the fullest! 

What I plan on doing over my next few blogs is to take some of those promises and expand upon them. Talk about what God really has promised for us all and hopefully how we can use those promises to learn to have a life and live it to the full.

1 comment:

  1. Well said..keep the blogs coming! You''re doing an awesome job spreading God's word!
